What is a Health and Safety Policy?
The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act of 1974 requires that every business who employees 5 or more employees including the owner and any casual employees must have a written health and safety policy.
This sets out your general approach, explaining how you, as an employer, will manage health and safety in your company.
The policy must include;
- Statement of intent
- Organisational structure with responsibilities
- Arrangements on how the company is going to implement the policy along with a good Health and Safety Management Plan, based on the HSG 65 Managing Health and Safety
The policy must be available to all employees. This can be achieved by issuing all employees a company Health and Safety handbook.
Bravanark Network can assist in the production of your written documentation, by visiting your premises and taking note of any arrangements that already exist. If none do, then we will advise you on the best way of dealing with health and safety issues within your company or business framework.
The Policy and Arrangements Manual will outline your organization’s policy for dealing with all aspects of health and safety within your working environment, such as:
- Hazard reporting
- Communication and consultation
- COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health)
- Fire precautions
- Machinery
- Noise
- Accident and incident reporting
- Display screen equipment, first aid
- Electrical safety
- Employee security
This list is not exhaustive
Then, we will formalise the arrangements, name the key personnel within your organization and their responsibilities in the organization’s health & safety strategy. For London and around the UK Health and safety news, stories and comments stay updated by Bravanark Network.

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